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Winter Wildlife Reading

When the weather turns bitterly cold, there’s nothing better than finding a cozy spot and settling into a good book.

To get you through the rest of this cold spell, we’ve compiled a list of wildlife and nature-themed books that will chase away the winter doldrums!

The Inner Life of Animals by Peter Wohlleben

This book provides amazing insight into the emotions of the animals all around us. Did you know that ravens call their friends by name, and that rats regret bad choices? You’ll never look at an animal in the same way again.

Find it at the Calgary Library here, or on Amazon here.

White Fang by Jack London

If you grew up in Canada, chances are you had to read this book in grade school, but it’s a lovely read as an adult as well. While it’s not specifically about wildlife per se, it’s worth including on this list.

Find it at the Calgary Library here, or on Amazon here.

Wesley the Owl: The Remarkable Love Story of an Owl and His Girl by Stacey O’Brien

In 1985, biologist Stacey O’Brien adopted an injured barn owl who could not survive on his own. Filled with insight into the behaviour and intelligence of owls, this book profiles the relationship between Wesley the owl and O’Brien.

Find it at the Calgary Library here, or on Amazon here.

The Hidden Life of Trees by Peter Wohlleben

This stunning book examines the idea the forest is a social network and that trees communicate, support each other, and warn each other of impending danger. This book will forever change your future walks in the forest.

Find it at the Calgary Library here, or on Amazon here.

Animal Kingdom: Colour Me, Draw Me by Millie Marotta

To be fair, this one isn’t exactly a book you can sit down and read, but it’s worth getting your hands on anyway. This colouring book is geared towards adults, and each page is filled with intricate, gorgeous drawings just begging to be filled in.

Find it on Amazon here.

Scared Skunk by Michelle and Denver Suttie

No wildlife book list would be complete without mentioning AIWC’s first children’s book, which profiles a baby skunk who has lost her mother.

Find it on the AIWC store, here.

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