
Animal Care

Alberta’s Pollinators

What is pollination? Pollination is how plants and flowers reproduce and obtain the ability to grow seeds, which involves the transfer of pollen (a grain-like substance that contains the “male”

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Animal Care

The Cormorants are Coming!

Every year in late April to early May, seabirds known as double-crested cormorants (Phalacrocorax auritis) make their homes on and near Alberta lakes and rivers to breed and raise their

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Animal Care

Invasive Species in Alberta

Last month we blogged about why biodiversity is so important for ecosystems and how different ecological functions are performed. But what if there are species in the ecosystem that did

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All About Biodiversity

What is biodiversity? Biodiversity can be defined as the variability of all living organisms in all ecosystems (including terrestrial, marine, etc.) and the ecological functions and complexes that they contribute

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Animal Care

Best of 2017

2017 was a big year for AIWC, with over 1,400 patients admitted to the centre for care. As we have now transitioned into the second month 2018 (and our 25th

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