
Animal Care

Don’t Bat an Eye!

AH! BAT! You might have this reaction if you ran into one of Alberta’s flying, nocturnal critters like the big brown bat or the little brown bat. Poor bats have

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Animal Care

Keeping the “Wild” in Wildlife

Habituation, defined by the Oxford dictionary, is when an organism stops responding to typical stimulus. In terms of animals, this means they no longer have normal reactions as they would

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Animal Care

Responsible Recreation

A recent camping trip to Elk Island Nation Park provided this volunteer with a reminder of why it is important to maintain a safe distance from, and avoid feeding, wildlife.

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Animal Care

Update on beaver kit

Last week the baby (kit) North American beaver we have in our care made news across the globe as the video of him enjoying “pool time” went viral. If you

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Animal Care

Happy (almost) Canada Day, Eh!

With Canada day coming up on Friday, we thought we’d take some time to talk about Canada’s national animal, the North American Beaver! The North American Beaver has been a

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Animal Care

Patient numbers soar at AIWC!

As awareness about our organization grows and human-wildlife conflict unfortunately continues to rise, we expect an increase in patients each year. We didn’t expect the increase we are seeing this

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Animal Care

Teaching Wildlife Conservation

At AIWC, we believe education programs that emphasize the importance of environmental protection may be the most important investment we can offer Alberta’s youth. If you’ve seen our Banding Together

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Wildlife and Litter Don’t Mix

Litter is everywhere humans are – road sides, parks, lakes, forests, school grounds and parking lots. It’s even in our own back yards! Not only is litter bad for our

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