Wildlife Education Program

All About Biodiversity

What is biodiversity? Biodiversity can be defined as the variability of all living organisms in all ecosystems (including terrestrial, marine, etc.) and the ecological functions and complexes that they contribute

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Animal Care

Best of 2017

2017 was a big year for AIWC, with over 1,400 patients admitted to the centre for care. As we have now transitioned into the second month 2018 (and our 25th

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Animal Care

Winter Wildlife Reading

When the weather turns bitterly cold, there’s nothing better than finding a cozy spot and settling into a good book. To get you through the rest of this cold spell,

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Animal Care

Bird Calls, Songs and Mimicry

Imagine growing up in isolation. Not learning language from your parents or any other people. How well do you think you would be able to communicate with other people? Probably

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Animal Care

Alberta Wildlife Recoveries: Burrowing Owl

What are Burrowing Owls? Burrowing owls (Athene cunicularia) are a small species of owl distributed across select regions of North and South America (Alberta Burrowing Owl Recovery Plan 2012-2017). Approximately

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Animal Care

Wildlife Games for the Holidays

Today’s blog is a little bit of a departure from our informational or educational blogs. Today, we want to focus on the importance of educating children about wildlife. Studies have

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