
Animal Care

NWRA 2016 Symposium

Each year the National Wildlife Rehabilitator’s Association (NWRA) holds a symposium for wildlife rehabilitators. This year’s conference was held in Norman, Oklahoma, and myself and Stacey (Director of Wildlife Care)

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Animal Care

Join Us in #BandingTogether!

We are very excited to launch our new #BandingTogether campaign! If you haven’t had the opportunity to view our adorable campaign video, check it out on YouTube here.  At AIWC,

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Bats in the News Across Canada

Bats are a frequent patient here at AIWC – we average about 30 each year, and we currently have five over-wintering with us, awaiting their releases in the spring when

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Cougar Sighting in Banff

Last week CBC reported a mountain bike trail closure in Banff National Park due to a cougar feeding on a carcass. Cougar sightings are reported throughout Alberta, but they are

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