
Animal Care

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) has been detected in Alberta, as well as many other provinces across Canada. “Avian Influenza: Avian influenza is a contagious type A influenza virus that

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Nature Continues On

Thousands of birds are making their way back to Alberta for breeding season, many more call Alberta home year-round. As a wildlife hospital, we practice high standards of cleanliness to

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Holiday Messages

Season’s Greetings

As 2016 comes to a close, we look back on the past year and reflect on all of the challenges and successes to help us plan ahead for 2017. Highlights

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Animal Care

Scared Skunk

Scared Skunk is AIWC’s first children’s book and the third book Michelle and Denver Suttie have written for an animal charity. The goal of these books is to share true

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Animal Care

Don’t Bat an Eye!

AH! BAT! You might have this reaction if you ran into one of Alberta’s flying, nocturnal critters like the big brown bat or the little brown bat. Poor bats have

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Animal Care

Update on beaver kit

Last week the baby (kit) North American beaver we have in our care made news across the globe as the video of him enjoying “pool time” went viral. If you

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Can Alberta save the caribou?

The Alberta government released the first draft of a plan to save the province’s woodland caribou after the species’ continued population decline since 1900. Caribou are a distinctly Canadian species.

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Animal Care

Patient numbers soar at AIWC!

As awareness about our organization grows and human-wildlife conflict unfortunately continues to rise, we expect an increase in patients each year. We didn’t expect the increase we are seeing this

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Animal Care

The babies are coming!

Did you know that few areas in the world have more diverse wildlife than Alberta? Our province is home to 587 wildlife species, including 411 bird species, 93 mammal species,

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