Our Blog

Best of 2017

2017 was a big year for AIWC, with over 1,400 patients admitted to the centre for care.

As we have now transitioned into the second month 2018 (and our 25th year of being in operation) we thought we’d take this opportunity to look back and reflect on some of our favourite blog posts of 2017.

This post on Alberta’s Species at Risk classification system outlined the ways our province identifies threatened species.

This post highlighted one of Alberta’s most majestic species: the grizzly bear.

This post listed some good reminders on ways to ensure our own backyards aren’t harming wildlife.

In March of 2017, AIWC welcomed a mink patient for the first time in about ten years!

This post on ducklings and goslings was easily one of the cutest of 2017.

This post on Alberta’s most common bird species had us paying close attention to the skies!

This guided tour of Frank Lake has us packing up to pay this wetland a visit.

This post on swallows (and the amazing photos that accompanied it) was a favourite of 2017.

This post on making the most of your fall nature walks was a good reminder to get outside and enjoy all of Alberta’s four dramatic seasons.

This post introduced your neighbour who you’ve likely never met!

For those curious about a day in the life of an AIWC volunteer, this post is for you!

For those going a little stir-crazy, this post on wildlife games created a much needed diversion over the holidays.

We wish you all the best in 2018 and thank you for following along in our journey to aide Alberta’s injured and orphaned wildlife.

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HPAI and Bird feeder update

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Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza

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Barred Owls (Strix varia)

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